A-to-Z of Services: F
We participate in the Cabinet Office’s National Fraud Initiative: a data matching exercise to assist in the prevention and detection of fraud
A programme which offers support to families facing difficulties
Confidential information, and guidance on services available in Blaenau Gwent
Electric Vehicle Charging Points - Frequently Asked Questions
Information on the charges for Pest Control services offered to residents
List of fees and charges for ceremonies and venues in Blaenau Gwent
Fees and payments required to obtain Building Regulations. We accept Cash, Cheque, Telephone Payments, BACS transfer and Internet Payments.
Festival Park comprises of over 70 acres of parkland remaining from Garden Festival Wales
The Owl Sanctuary has over 50 birds of prey, including owls, hawks, falcons and buzzards
The Finance and Performance Report is used as a key improvement tool for the Authority.
Within Blaenau Gwent we currently have a number of food banks/organisations providing help with food provisions for residents during this Cost of Living Crisis.
Warm Hubs are places where people can gather in a warm, safe, welcoming place and enjoy a little company.
Information and advice about bonfires in gardens, and complaining about nuisance which may be caused
Guidance on holding a public firework display
Information on enforcement of dog fouling, and applicable fines
What to do and who to contact in the event of flooding
What powers are available to deal with fly grazing horses and how to report them
Intensive support programme for child under 3 living in disadvantaged areas
How to report flytipping and dumped rubbish
How to apply, fees, and outline of process to start a food business
Summary of the legislation and businesses which require approval
How to apply for a certificate if your business exports food
Find the latest food hygiene ratings for businesses in the local area
Information on training and certification requirements for food hygiene
Role of the Council in administering food safety laws, and the annual Food & Feed Law Service Delivery Plan
Collection Points
On Friday 24th January 2014 the Blue Plaque to honour Mervyn was unveiled by by fellow Welsh Referee, Clive Thomas. Like Mervyn, Clive was a world class referee, appearing in the 1974 and 1978 World cup finals and countless international and top European matches. Clive said, ’I am highly honored to be asked to unveil this plaque. I held Mervyn in immense respect because he was a very strict referee and knowing that he, a fellow Welshman had got to the very top, fuelled my ambition. ’
Foster Wales Blaenau Gwent is the new name for your Local Authority fostering service.
Find out if your child can get free school meals, how to apply and make a general enquiry.
Make a request for information about you or operation of the council