Emergency Contacts

Always Ring 999 If In Doubt 

Emergency Services


Telephone Number
Gwent Police 01633 838111 or 101
South Wales Fire & Rescue Service 01443 232000
Welsh Ambulance Services NHS Trust 01745 532900
Out of Hours Medical Advice (NHS Direct) 111
Aneurin Bevan University Health Board GP Out of Hours Service 111


Utilities Contact Information

Organisation Web Link Telephone Number
BGCBC Emergency planning


01495 311556
GOV UK Preparing for Emergencies https://www.gov.uk/topic/public-safety-emergencies/emergencies-preparation-response-recovery  
Severn Trent Water www.stwater.co.uk 0800 783 4444
Dwr Cymru/ Welsh Water www.dwrcymru.com 0800 052 0130
Sewerage problems www.dwrcymru.com 0800 085 3968
Scottish Power www.scottishpower.com 0845 272 2424  *
SWALEC Energy Supplier, Phone & Broadband, Boiler Cover - SSE 0800 052 0400
National Grid (formerly Transco) www.nationalgrid.com/uk/gas 0800 111 999
The Met Office www.metoffice.gov.uk 0870 900 0100  *
Environment Agency www.environment-agency.gov.uk 0845 988 1188
BBC www.bbc.co.uk  
RAC www.rac.co.uk 0870 572 2722  *
AA www.theaa.com 0870 550 0600  *
BT Fibre Broadband, TV Packages, BT Sport & Mobile Deals | BT 0800 9173993
Wales &West Utilities Gas Supply & Connections | Wales & West Utilities (wwutilities.co.uk) 0800 111999 (for all gas emergencies)
Central Networks (Electric)   08003896768

General Advice

Organisation Web Link Telephone Number
Alcoholics Anonymous http://www.alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk/ 0800 9177650
Child Support Agency https://www.gov.uk/child-maintenance/overview 0845 7138000  *
ChildLine http://www.childline.org.uk/ 0800 1111
Citizens Advice Bureau sites.google.com/site/powyscab/ 0845 601 8421  *
Department of Health www.dh.gov.uk/en/index.htm 020 7210 4850
Environment Agency http://www.environment-agency.gov.uk/ 0800 80 70 60
Floodline Natural Resources Wales / Check flood warnings 0845 988 1188   *
Housing - Shelterline www.sheltercymru.org.uk 0808 800 4444
Age UK https://www.ageuk.org.uk/ 0808 800 6565
Immigration Advisory Service http://www.iasuk.org/ 020 7378 9191
Missing People http://www.missingpeople.org.uk/ 0500 700 700
National Drugs Helpline http://www.talktofrank.com/ 0800 776600
National Debtline Debt advice | Free debt advice | National Debtline | National Debtline 0808 808 4000
National Blood Service http://www.blood.co.uk/ 08457 711 711  *
NHS Direct www.nhsdirect.wales.nhs.uk 0845 46 47  *
NSPCC Bilingual Helpline http://www.nspcc.org.uk/ 0808 100 25 24
NSPCC Textphone for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Users   0808 100 10 33
RNIB www.rnib.org.uk 020 73881266



Telephone: 0808 808 0123
Textphone: 0808 808 9000
SMS: 0780 0000360

British Red Cross www.redcross.org.uk 0870 170 7000   *
Salvation Army www.salvationarmy.org.uk 0845 634 0101   *
Samaritans www.samaritans.org 08457 90 90 90  *
St. John’s Ambulance www.sja.org.uk 0870 010 4950   *
WRVS www.wrvs.org.uk 029 2073 9000


Neighbouring Local Authorities

Authority Web Link Telephone Number
Caerphilly www.caerphilly.gov.uk 01443 815588
Cardiff www.cardiff.gov.uk 02920 872000
Merthyr Tydfil www.merthyr.gov.uk 01685 725000
Monmouthshire www.monmouthshire.gov.uk 01633 644644
Newport www.newport.gov.uk 01633 656656
Rhondda Cynon Taff www.rctcbc.gov.uk 01443 424000
Torfaen www.torfaen.gov.uk 01495 762200


* Please note: calls cost 5p per minute plus your telephone company’s network access charge