Blaenau Gwent Council has statutory powers to undertake animal health and welfare duties within the area, contained in the Animal Health Act 1981 and 2002, the Agriculture (Miscellaneous Provisions) Act 1968, European Communities Act 1972 and the Animal Welfare Act 2006, together with associated legislation.
As part of a collaborative working arrangement a number of the animal health functions are delivered by officers within the Animal Health Team at Powys County Council on our behalf.
The functions undertaken by Powys within the Blaenau Gwent include the following:
- Programmed Animal Health and Welfare premises inspections on agricultural holdings, *licensed or licensable animal establishment premises and any resulting enforcement work as may necessary
- Responding to all complaints/enquiries relating to Animal Health and Welfare issues relating to agricultural holdings, *licensed or licensable animal establishment premises
- Undertake all animal licensing functions (e.g. pet shop licensing, dog breeding establishment licences, etc.)
- All data entry, record keeping and reporting that is required of Blaenau Gwent Council for Animal Health and Welfare for the areas listed above
- Leading in the investigation of all notifiable diseases for Animal Health
Animal Health Officers endeavour to comply with our duties to contribute towards a safe, healthy and fair environment and to monitor and influence the treatment of animals, enforcing applicable standards where appropriate.
If you have an animal welfare complaint that relates to companion animals or horses then the matter should be reported to the RSPCA on 0300 1234 999 or another suitable animal welfare organisation/charity.
Contact Information
For further information regarding any of the above or non-urgent enquiries please contact Powys County Council at trading.standards@powys.gov.uk or alternatively please ring 01874 624704.
For any urgent enquiries or notifications of disease for Animal Health please ring Powys County Council Emergency Line on 0845 6027030. (Calls to this number cost 5p per minute plus your telephone company’s Access Charge).
*Namely, premises that either hold or should hold one of the following animal licences:-
- Pet Shop
- Dog Breeder
- Animal Home Boarder
- Animal Boarding Establishment (i.e. Cattery or Kennels)
- Horse Riding Establishment
- Dangerous Wild Animals
- Zoo