What our Ecology and Biodiversity Service Does
As a land owner, regulatory body and leadership organisation in the wider community, the Council has a range of responsibilities aimed at protecting and enhancing biodiversity.
Scope of Ecological and Biodiversity Service
- Provide advice ensuring compliance with wildlife legislation across Council Functions and Services
- Contribute to the working and objectives of the Biodiversity Partnership including the formulation and implementation of the Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
- Advise on Biodiversity Action Planning across Council Services, especially Council owned land in accordance with the Council’s biodiversity duty under the Environment Act (Wales) 2016
- Contribute to the Wildlife Sites Partnership, including the selection, amendment and management of Sites of Importance for Nature Conservation (SINCs)
- Provide advice on Development Control issues relating to:
- Planning Applications (including pre-application advice)
- EIAs and Environmental Statements
- S106 Agreements/Planning Obligations
- Enforcement
- Planning Appeals
- Respond to strategic consultations from Central Government Departments and bodies, e.g. Natural Resources Wales/Welsh Government
- Provide specialist input into strategic planning such as the Local Development plan, Green Infrastructure and Transport Planning
- Provide a general ecological information and advice service for the Council, consultants, developers, businesses and the general public.
- Implement Biodiversity related projects across the Borough linked into the Local Biodiversity Action Plan.
Contact Information
Natural Environment
Email Address: Nadine.morgan@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk or Rebecca.ward@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk