Housing Support Grant
If you live in Blaenau Gwent and are aged over 16 years old and are struggling to keep your home, at risk of losing your job, need to move or need help managing your finances – the Supporting People Team could offer you support. There is no cost for our service.
For more information, please visit
www.blaenaugwenthomes.org.uk/content/HousingSupportandAdvice/HousingSupport or contact the Housing Support Grant Team on 01495 354681,354683 or email supporting.people@blaenau-gwent.gov.uk
Council Tax Reduction
If you are on a low income or receiving certain benefits and are liable to pay council tax, you may be eligible to Council Tax Reduction. Please click here to find out more www.blaenau-gwent.gov.uk/en/resident/benefits-council-tax-reduction-dhp/benefits-online
Housing Benefit
Housing Benefit can help you pay your rent if you are unemployed, on a low income or claiming Benefits. It is being replaced by Universal Credit.
You can only make a new claim for Housing Benefit if either of the following apply:
- You have reached State Pension age
- You are living in supported, sheltered or temporary Housing
Please click here to find out more www.blaenau-gwent.gov.uk/en/resident/benefits-council-tax-reduction-dhp/make-a-claim-for-housing-benefit
Discretionary Housing Payment
If you are receiving Housing benefit or the Housing Element of Universal Credit, but are finding it hard to pay your rent, you can apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment (DHP)
To find out more and check if you may be eligible for support, please visit www.blaenau-gwent.gov.uk/en/resident/benefits-council-tax-reduction-dhp/discretionary-housing-payments
Further Support and Advice
Blaenau Gwent Community Hubs
The hubs are located centrally in local libraries managed by Aneurin Leisure Trust and provide advice and information on a range of Council services.
For venue dates and times please visit Blaenau Gwent Community Hubs | Blaenau Gwent CBC
Citizens Advice Bureau Citizens Advice Caerphilly Blaenau Gwent - Cyngor ar Bopeth Caerffili Blaenau Gwent (citizensadvicecbg.org.uk)
POBL www.poblgroup.co.uk/homes-and-communities/find-a-home
Platform https://platfform.org/
Shelter Cymru Shelter Cymru - Home is everything