Thank You for Your Recycling Efforts

Latest research from Recycle for Wales reveals that households in Wales are recycling more than ever before; with over 90% of people now recycling materials such as plastic drinks bottles, toiletry and shampoo bottles, and food waste.

Over half of Welsh households are recycling more than they were a year ago, with a quarter of these people cite environmental concerns as the main reason for doing more and others attribute it to an increased awareness of what can be recycled.

What and how we recycle really matters. Recycling an item rather than throwing it in the general rubbish bin means that it will be dealt with in the most environmentally friendly way, keeping materials in use and out of the environment.

Recycling in Blaenau Gwent is making a big difference. The Council met last year’s Welsh Government recycling target of 58%.  The Council has seen an increase in the amount of waste that residents are recycling and therefore forecasting to meet this year’s target.  

Following the Christmas period, the Council has made over 500 tree collections. The tree’s will be recycled and therefore support the Council in achieving its recycling targets.  This is an increase of approximately 35% in tree collections from the previous year.

We would like to thank our residents for their recycling efforts and the Blaenau Gwent Council Waste and Recycling Crews for their hard work over this busy period.

For further information about Blaenau Gwent’s waste and recycling visit