Schools categorisation profile improving

The Council’s Education & Learning Scrutiny Committee has noted the latest profile of Blaenau Gwent schools in the Welsh Government’s National School Categorisation System.

Since 2017 the number of schools categorised as ‘Green’ has tripled to 12. A total of 89% of the borough’s schools are now categorised as ‘Yellow’ or ‘Green’, which is in line with the regional performance.

The Council’s Executive Member for Education, Cllr Joanne Collins, said it was thanks to the hard work of everyone involved with Education in the county borough that we are seeing our schools improve year on year.

She said:

“I would like to thank our Headteachers, Governors, teachers and support staff for their hard work and their relentless focus on improving outcomes, progress and well-being for all our learners. You have a lot to be proud about!”

Schools in Blaenau Gwent continue to demonstrate an improving picture overall and our Head-teachers and staff are to be commended for their ongoing work and commitment, but there is much more work to be done.

Cllr Collins added:

“We continue to work with our schools and our partners in the South East Wales Education Achievement Service to offer bespoke, timely support and challenge to those schools which have been identified as needing further help to improve.”

You can read the report to scrutiny in full here –

For more about the National School Categorisation System go to -