Recycling Week 2017 - Recycling – it’s worth it

During Recycling Week which runs from September 25th to 1st October 2017, Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council is asking residents to rethink their bathroom routines by highlighting the benefits of recycling these items for Blaenau Gwent and demonstrating that what goes around comes around!
Aerosols such as deodorants and hair sprays can be recycled again and again without any loss in quality, so you may see them come back in items such as parts of your mobile phones, dishwashers or even as another aerosol can - what goes around comes around! Please ensure all aerosols are empty before recycling.
That’s not all; Recycle Now has calculated that if everyone in Blaenau Gwent recycled one more deodorant, it would save enough energy to power a typical primary school for 27 days.
Love singing in the shower or getting ready to some top tunes? Being recycling savvy, such as recycling just three empty deodorants, can provide these essentials to our ‘getting ready’ routine by saving enough energy to power a shower for eight minutes, or a home sound system for 32 hours!
Cllr Garth Collier Deputy Leader and Executive Member for Environment and Regeneration said:
“We’re motivating Blaenau Gwent to look good and feel good this Recycling Week! From the last spritz of perfume to the final squeeze of a shampoo bottle – in Recycling Week add recycling to your bathroom regime, and recycling just a few more items from around the house can make a real difference.”
Recycle Now’s top bathroom recycling tips:

  • Where possible empty and rinse containers before they go in the recycling bin
  • Put caps and lids back on your glass containers before recycling
  • Remove plastic lids and caps from air-freshener, deodorant and shaving foam aerosols where easy to do so and place separately in the recycling
  • Mirrors and nail varnish bottles are not recyclable and should be put in your general waste

For more information about your local recycling scheme, including details of what can and can’t be recycled from around the house, visit or use the Recycling Locator at