Employment and Skills

The Council’s Executive has today (Wednesday 11 March) welcomed the committee report to support the Blaenau Gwent Employment and Skills Plan.  Option two has been moved by the committee.

The purpose of the plan is to provide opportunities to raise aspirations and support economic growth through partnership working.  It outlines a range of priorities to ensure individuals and businesses have access to the right support in terms of skills and employment.

The plan highlights five priority areas:

• Business and Enterprise; facilitate growth and innovation by understanding and responding to local economic needs.
• Learning and Skills; ensure that the skills provision at all levels is responsive and accessible to residents.
• Social Mobility, Inclusion and Employability; create a motivated and skilled community, through appropriate employment support, at every stage of an individual’s journey.
• Education and Schools; raise awareness of opportunity and the aspirations of young people
to fulfil their potential and support their pathway into work.
• Procurement and Community Benefits; maximise employment and skills related opportunities through local procurement and the utilisation of contract social clauses.

Further information about each of these priorities and how they are being delivered can be found by clicking on the link below (Employment and Skills Plan report):

Cllr Dai Davies, Executive Member for Regeneration and Economic Development at Blaenau Gwent County Borough Council, said:

“A strong and skilled workforce is essential to support the existing and forecasted labour requirements for a number of sectors.  The employment and skills plan addresses the Council’s approach in providing support for both businesses and individuals.  It highlights a co-ordinated approach with our partners that is responsive to the skill demands of any sector. 

“The committee has today discussed the report and plan and welcome the positive work that is being carried out in this area in maximising opportunities for those who live in the Borough. This not only supports growth in the area but aims to attract new business to Blaenau Gwent.  The Council is seeing significant investment opportunities through projects such as the Cardiff Capitol Region City Deal and Tech Valleys. Therefore, we want to ensure that the area is equipped with the skills to be able to maximise employment and business opportunities as a result of this investment.  We want support our future generations and aspire them to realise their potential and maximise the training and learning opportunities that exist.”