Blaen-y-Cwm Primary School achieves Dementia Friendly status

Staff and all pupils in key stage 2 received dementia friends’ awareness training to learn about the 5 key messages about Dementia and learn what life is like for people living with the illness. 

Younger pupils also learnt about Dementia through a story book, ‘The elephant that forgot’.  Pupils have been using their new knowledge when visiting local care homes to sing to residents.

The aim is to help increase young people’s understanding of Dementia, and how important it is to support and care for loved ones and neighbours who may be living with Dementia.

Blaenau Gwent Council, together with partners, is working towards the whole of Blaenau Gwent becoming a Dementia friendly borough and council staff, police officers, doctors and nurses have all received Dementia Friends awareness training. 

Councillor John Mason, Blaenau Gwent Council’s Executive Member for Social Services said:

“I am particularly proud of your achievement and I will be highlighting this at the next convenient meeting of Blaenau Gwent council so that everyone will know about the caring and supporting pupils and staff in Blaen-y-Cwm School. Well done everyone.”