Approval for major highways improvement works

Blaenau Gwent Council’s Executive Committee today agreed over £700,000 worth of road improvement works.  The work for 2020-21 will continue to focus around improving the residential and unclassified network. The unclassified network makes up 74% of the entire network.

In addition to the resurfacing of highest priority ranked roads it is proposed that other works will be undertaken relating to features essential to the highway network such as safety barriers, illuminated traffic signs and speed reduction measures.

The work agreed today is part on an ongoing commitment since 2017 by the Council to improve and enhance residential roads in the county borough.

The investment had also been supported by members of the Community Services Scrutiny Committee and officers will work with members to review roads in their wards on an ongoing basis.

The budget will be split as follows:

• Residential Roads - £445,000
• Industrial Estates - £150,00
• Crash barriers - £50,000 
• lluminated Traffic Signs - £30,000
• Traffic Management Features and Variable Speed Safety Signage - £50,000

Councillor Joanna Wilkins, the Council’s Executive Member for the Environment said:

“Improving the condition of our roads in Blaenau Gwent is a top priority for us and I know is important to residents, so I welcome this work by officers to identify areas for development and I look forward to work starting. We remain committed to improving the condition of our roads and infrastructure, and this further investment today builds on the work we have done in previous years and demonstrates that we have listened to what the public have had to say regarding the condition of residential roads in Blaenau Gwent and have acted on this.

Creating an enhanced environment with infrastructure that benefits not only our local communities but also businesses and visitors to Blaenau Gwent is a key priority for the Authority.”